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Cups of Change

The symbole for women with a clenched fist at the center, under a text saying cups of change

The Ambition

Welcome to Cups of Change!   We focus on improving women's health in West Africa, with a special focus on Nigeria. By sharing knowledge about menstruation and offering menstrual cups, we want to help girls and women who are prevented from going to school and working due to shame and lack of resources. Through films and interviews with our partners in Nigeria, we gain a deeper understanding of their reality. Until then, we can create awareness and change lives.

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Empower a fellow woman today! 
Varje menskopp som köps in kan förändra en flickas eller kvinnas liv. möjligheten att gå till skolan eller jobbet utan skam.Din medverkan gör en enorm skillnad i någons liv. Vi måste bryta stigmatiseringen kring menstruation men också möjliggöra att fler får denna möjligheten.Tack för din Gåva.alla Donationer kommer redovisas.

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Om Oss

Händerna sammanfogade

Our mission

About Us

At Cups of Change, we believe in empowering women to freedom— one

woman at a time, one cup at a time.


Our journey began with a personal experience of our founder, Jess,

during her birthday celebration in Nigeria. That moment sparked the idea

to create a movement that not only distributes menstrual cups and other menstrualprotection products but also

educates, supports, and breaks the stigma around menstruation.


Our Mission

We are dedicated to:

- Distributing menstrual cups or menstrual underwear to women and girls in developing countries.

- Providing education about menstruation and menstrual cycles.

- Preventing unwanted pregnancies through awareness and resources.

- Reducing the stigma around menstruation.

- Helping girls and women attend school or work without shame or barriers.


What We Do

Through workshops, seminars, and partnerships, we will:

- Educate: Host menstruation seminars and menstrual cup workshops.

- Support: Offer assistance and resources to those in need.

- Raise Awareness: Challenge taboos and encourage open conversations.

- Promote Sustainability: Focus on long-term solutions for menstrual health.


Our Impact

To date, we’ve:

- Collected over 200 menstrual cups.

- Expanded into menstrual underwear education.

- created awareness for countless women and girls to reclaim their freedom and confidence. To be able to make an educated choise.


Why It Matters

Periods should never hold anyone back. By addressing menstrual health,

we’re not just providing a product—we’re creating opportunities for

education, work, and dignity.


Join us in this movement. Together, we can empower women everywhere.

Kvinnor i Chuch Robes
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Our Projects

Menskopp och bindor


Education is the key to Empowerment. 

At cups of change we provide knowledge about menstrual health and cycles, breaking taboos and creating a future where every girl can thrive whitout shame.

Together we're changing lives, one lesson at a time.


Together we rise.

Your support helps us provide educational assistance and resources to women and girls in need, ensuring they have the tools to thrive.

Both in pursuing higher education or career.


Breaking the Silence!

one conversation at a time.

Awareness is the first step to change. 

Join us as we challenge stigmas and create a world where menstruation no longer is somehing to be ashamed for.


Change that lasts a lifetime.

By promoting sustainable menstrual solutions, we're not just helping women today, but building a better tomorrow for our planet.

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